Hey there, hope this finds you well. Yes, I am still alive! So what is the idea of physical mediumship and why did I choose it.Truth is I didn’t , I was thrown in too it 25 years ago as a here let us try this ? So for those whom are telling you that only a handful can do it , or that you have to be born in too it, or even have something spiritual about you ? Complete bull shit, the only thing you do need is the willingness to give of your own life force and a shit load of patience . I have seen people produce apports in complete daylight with no former knowledge or practice more than once and it is amazing to witness . Many years have passed since first begun the journey , and every time I start thinking it’s slowing down or I am done and ready to retire , something happens that is like a oh no you don’t, not yet! The real reason any person should be doing any kind of service with the spirits is to help others , and nothing else . Can
You do or practice physical medium , trance and more ? YES you can ,you just need to believe in yourself !
Over the years since covid, many have become increasingly angry , fearful of anything they are told or shown . Yet I have heard so many say “ I do not have the time to sit in the power “. Really? We spend half of our entire life sleeping , on average 35 years if not more !
The masters teach about many things. From the violet flame to divine coding and one thing I heard not so long ago and often still do from many spirits is that if you only give half or a little this you will in return receive the same !
Mediumship requires practice and patience For anyone who is thinking about time , how to fit it all in, or I haven’t got time .. “ Make the most of the time you have been given , rather than worry about how much time you have “ You deserve more , can be more but only you can make it happen . Namaste
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